Sunday, November 7, 2010

lies and green soft drink.

Listen carefully because the things I'm about to tell you are the largest compilation of lies and true stories about my life (and some other lives) that you're ever going to read. Why are you going to read this? Because taking a break from your life is going to make you realize how fanfuckingtastic it is. Especially when you read some of the shitty things I've been through and done in my glorified softporn of a life. 

I realized, if not early on enough, that your whole life should be written down. Not word for word, God no. Lie. Tell horrible, terrible, brilliant, heartwarming, catastrophic lies. Why and how can you do that? The only person that lived your life is you. The people in your life have not lived your life, they have lived their lives around yours. Your life is the most interesting, expensive thing that you have. It is also the most manipulatable, malleable thing you have (unless your female, then men and dicks take a really friggen close second). 
I'm gonna make you trust me first. I'm gonna tell you some truths. 
I'm a girl/woman/lady person. Double X chromo and all the bullshit hormones that come with it. I was blessed with a pretty face, almond eyes, a questionable nose and a pretty friggen great body (on a good day). My hair was short for a reason, but I'm not going to tell you that story yet.  My wardrobe is pretty boring nowadays, but I've never been what people would call a boring person. Unless you know, they were lying, in which case I'm lying too. 

You're eventually going to get why lying is so necessary in life. And I'm not going to say that honesty is overrated because its not, its great. Another truth, I work at a shoe store, and I fucking hate lying to people about the shitty shoes I sell them. I'm quitting my job. Because I like being honest. Honesty and lies, good and bad. Concepts. Things that would not exist without each other. We classify things by a process of elimination. By what something is not. We need things to check off the list. I'm not going to get philosophical because I'll make my head hurt and I'm still hungover. Ah, another little truth. I'm at an art university in British Columbia, Canada. Yeah, I'm a 'starving artist'; desperate, needy little mofucker. And never food, no, for ATTENTION. Good God are all these kids rich. I digress. This is the story of my life, as I see it, as I want you to see it, and as you will invariably see it.
I drink, fuck, sleep, take photo's and write papers. I work, piss, cry, read and make a mess. Among other things. you're WELCOME.

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